Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hill Cumorah Pagent - Palmyra, NY

We finished off the day with the place where Joseph Smith uncovered the golden plates - a perfect ending to a great day (except my Bell got sick and I had to get her an antibiotic while everyone saw the printing press!). THE HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT!
Here we are with the wicked King Noah - it's SO cute the cast just walks around before the pageant talking to everyone in the crowd!
Look how awesome the stage is! I didn't even know what the pageant was about! It shares many of the stories from the Book of Mormon - Lehi/Nephi, Abinidi, Samuel the Laminate.... then it goes into Joseph Smith and shows him finding the plates in hill that the stage rests on! Ties the story together! Really a great performance - not too long/short - perfect weather - Bell took a nap and was feeling better - my big kids were completely entertained - great company - great day!!
A little reunion - Ann Dee (Heaton), Vanessa K., Jamie (Wilson) and me! It was great to be with Aunt Ruby and Ann Dee and such NEAT places! That night we stayed with Jamie - it was SO nice! We had the best waffles I've ever eaten and Jamie took some pictures for us! Check them out on her blog:! I DIE over her pictures and I'm SO thrilled I could have her take some of my kids! Bell was sick that day - but I think they turned out darling!! Can't wait to come home and get some framed! When I get my CD I'll post some on my blog - you can also link to hers on my friend list under Jamie and Brian!! I LOVE her blog - you'll love it too!! She is such a wonderful person - THANKS JAMIE!!
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Jaime said...

I'm so glad I got to see you AND take pictures! Your kids are the cutest!!! You have such a great family --- loved having you. :)