Thursday, January 1, 2009


I wanted to quickly write how grateful I am for 2008! It was a GREAT year for our family; although it was without a doubt the hardest year we have endured so far! With both Mike and I changing jobs and me going from working 6 days a week to full-time, we have had a lot of adjustments! Moving back east this summer bonded us beyond anything I could ever explain! I will never regret our decision to sell for APX; the memories we made will always be very special to me!

Being without insurance for 8 of the 12 months humbled me and has given me compassion for those less fortunate then I am. It helped me to realize that sometimes people don't choose their circumstances - you just roll with the situation you are in! Thankfully we have had good health - and TODAY we have insurance again! HALLELUJAH!! I've grown to LOVE Mike more then ever! Having him home has been a treat not only my kids but for me as well! I don't know if I would ever want to relive the past year, but for the rest of my life I'll be grateful for the lessons I learned! I'm a different person, mom and wife from the experiences of 2008!


Laura and her boys! said...

Great attitude Vanessa. That's the way I felt about 2007 with my divorce and all, but things happen for a reason! I'm glad you made it through with flying colors!

Dana said...

Great post. I loved all of your Christmas pics. It was so fun seeing you at the Christmas Eve program. I want to hire Mike for a Santa next year, he does a great job! My Grandpa will be having heart surgery next week. Will you see him in ICU or is that a totally different department? He goes in Thursday morning. Email me.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I totally agree with this all Ness. I'm glad you all had a good Christmas!! I sure love you and miss you guys.

Jaime said...

I feel like my year in so many ways has reflections of yours in it. I couldn't say AMEN enough as I read this post! I am so grateful for this year, but see ya 2008!

Aleisha said...

This was a great post Vanessa!!! I do know exactly what you are saying. We grow from the challenges in our lives. You are amazing.

Braydon Nielsen said...

Vanessa you freakin rock!!!! I think you can also add friend to that list... Thanks for everything including my munchers tonight, they were so good... Your the best.. Nice posting

Amberlee said...

Well Said! Still the same old cute V from back in the day. Great pics of your family, just a bunch of minnie goldies. Love it.

Amanda said...

Happy New Year Vanessa! You are the cutest, thanks for being such a great VT to me, and a great example! You have such a great attitude too, I need to be more like that.

'09 will be great! :) We still need to share more Philly stories! :)